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Terms of Use

Thank you for your interest in Data to Insight. By applying for a user account granting access to the members-only areas of this site, or by continuing to make use of our website content, you agree to the following terms and conditions, which we hope are not arduous. This list is not exhaustive, and is subject to change; it is intended to give a reasonable picture of our and your expectations when using our website.

1. Eligibility: You are a current local authority employee engaged in work to support services for children and young people, or a person with a legitimate interest in this area of work (for example, an independent data analyst or academic researcher). If you’re unsure whether this description applies to you, ask us.


2. Re-use: Local authorities are free to use, modify, and share our data tools and other website content as part of their normal data analysis and performance work. Except for these purposes, you agree not to distribute any part of the Data to Insight toolkit by any method other than by directing other people to download the tools themselves from this website, and you agree not to use any part of the Data to Insight toolkit without written permission from the Data to Insight team. This includes re-using the tools, copying code snippets or design elements into your own tools, or advertising any part of the tools as your own work. While we do hope to develop open licenses for our tools, currently normal copyright applies in most cases – if you’re not sure, ask permission.


3. Warranty: You understand that we provide our data tools and website content in the hope that these will be useful to others, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Should you find any faults in the data tools, you kindly agree to share details of these for the benefit of other members. Where a tool contains a specific License (usually on a separate visible tab, and usually an open source license) you agree to use the tool in accordance with the terms of that license.


4. Etiquette: You agree to adhere to normal standards of professional courtesy while interacting with other members on our site, commensurate with a typical local authority employee code of conduct, and to demonstrate respect without prejudice for fellow site members. The Data to Insight team will do what it can to prevent unlawful speech or any kind of harm to affect its members via the site, but, as far as permitted by UK law, you will not hold Data to Insight or its employees responsible for the content posted by site members.


5. Mailing list: You agree that Data to Insight may contact you by email in relation to site activity and Data to Insight's work programme. The Data to Insight team will never share your personal information or contact details with other parties without your express permission, and will adjust email frequency based on member feedback. This site will store the personal information which you provide. You can manage the visibility of that information on your Member Settings page.

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